See below for reports from librarians with the Seattle Education Association on the first day on the picket lines (compiled by Elaine Harger)
I'm wondering what other people are experiencing on the picket line. We
had support from at least 50 parents with their kids today, as well as
thumbs up from a cop and honking in support from the garbage collectors.
Pathfinder is tucked away so the families had to come to us, but all in
all, we had nothing but support.
What are other people experiencing?
Same at thornton creek... Huge amounts of food and drink, coffee...
Parents and kids picketing with us. Wonderful support.
we had lots of support at Loyal Heights, all the staff showed, our school
secretary refused to cross the picket line and walked with us
lots of parents and kids stopped by and they brought donuts and other
goodies lots of supportive honks from cars a few people in cars gave us a
thumbs down
I picketed at Ballard HS last week and we got one thumbs down from a guy
in a Lexus. Amazing how it can hook you! My colleague smiled in return.
At Washington Middle School we had got lots of happy honks from cars,
trucks, fire engines, motorcycles, buses.
My contribution to the line was copies of the lyrics to Solidarity Forever
and recruiting our choir teacher to lead us in song, which he happily,
joyfully, loudly, and beautifully did. The sense of unity was powerful!
Here's a video news clip featuring Jesse Hagopian and Wayne Au that's
pretty good about the strike.
Ready for Day #2!
Alki had parents bringing coffee, donuts and water all morning. Many
stayed to
walk. Lots of honks and thumbs up.
similar at garfield. i heard one of our teachers had a quote on national
NPR. Kashama Sawant stopped by to add support and there is a rally to be
held at city hall tomorrow by her for us. Community forum at city hall,
stand with sea educators thurs 9/10 6-7:30 council chambers, seattle
city hall 600 fourth ave floor 2 206-684-8016
i just copied that off the flyer. there is going to be a musical
fundraiser at the neptune theatre on Sunday night
mad as hell and aint gonna take it anymore. i hope this thing ends soon!
We have one point person to talk to the media
We figure we walked 8 plus miles today.
Even small and out of the way Sanislo had families stop by, neighbors
provide coffee...and a much needed restroom throughout the day. One
neighbor brought "only healthy snacks" to our school...along with their
stated goal of supporting every SW Seattle school! As I'm fixing dinner
now, I am reminded that September is Food Literacy Month! Make sure you
all are feeding yourselves well, not just often! All that
walking...rewards feet well fed and watered!
Good to hear of NYT visits, local media. I caught Amy Goodman on Democracy
Now mentioning the strike today
Don't fight the impulse to do our job: be sure to share clips, links and
news of the coverage of our strike. Use those social media chops folks and
let's "Make a Mark and see what happens!"
In advance of National Dot Day next Tuesday, I'm making plans to share our
own Dot Day event...even if it is with staff from the sidewalk in front of
our school. LITS make a difference.
View Ridge had wonderful staff turnout and so much community support in
the form of food, honks, & homemade signs. One crazy incident occurred -
and I didn't see it - but apparently a guy stopped his car to yell at a
groups of teachers. While he was on his traffic blocking tirade another
drive exited her car & proceeded to yell at him. Our teachers slowly left
the area! Great support, but a long day. We want a good contract & to be
back with the students!
Sand Point was well supported by families with food, coffee, and families
waking with us. Over all great but one guy flipped us off and yelled at us
to "Do your job". Low moment, but the vast majority was supportive.
Many thanks to Anne and the bargaining team!!
Overwhelming number of families to show up at Leschi Elementary; provide
lunch, snacks, walk with us and offer strong endorsements of their
At Broadview we had 100% participation from the staff. It was great. Lots
of honks from passing cars (a few thumbs down and one "GO BACK TO WORK".
Families brought food. Kids joined up periodically through the day.
Positive experience. I heard a great KPLU explanation of the strike that
did a pretty good job of explaining the issues and the complicated issue
of more contact time/pay. It was also on NPR>
Similar scenario at John Rogers. 100% turnout from staff. PTA officers,
their kids, many other families walked with us. Beautiful lunch provided
(soup, quiche, veggies), along with cold drinks and snacks throughout the
day. Nothing but support from neighbors and passers-by. Our school
families (across the district) really understand the work we do, and know
the depth of our dedication and commitment. This is why it's so powerful
to picket at our schools (even when they're completely hidden away, as
Rogers is), rather than at district HQ.
Same response at North Beach - nothing but positive. Parents opening up
their homes for bathroom breaks. Food delivered all day long. Kids and
parents walking with us. People with no connection to the school stopping
and talking and giving support. The best part of the day was when our UPS
driver stopped and refused to cross the picket line to deliver our
packages. He put everything on the curb and our custodian came out to
collect them. Apparently district mail delivery guys and other workers
are Teamsters and refusing to cross picket lines as well.
Not too much I can tell you at this point. My understanding is that the
mediator has requested to meet with SEA and SPS tomorrow AM. It's possible
the bargaining team will then be called back.
If you have specific questions, at this point, I think the best thing to
do is write them down and hand them off to your strike captains. I'm
currently not in a position where I can get information as easily.
Will keep you all posted when I know something to report.
Thanks and good luck tomorrow.
Anne [librarian on SEA’s negotiating team]
Anyone that is interested can join STEM and Arbor Heights at the Boren
Building at 4:45 am!!!! We would welcome your support! SEA wants to make
it on the 5am news cycle! Address is 5950 Delridge Way SW, Seattle WA 98106
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