Friday, June 28, 2019

Librarians Protest CIA's Recruiting at ALA's Conference

A group of librarians demanded the American Library Association abide by its values as they staged a protest of the Central Intelligence Agency's presence and recruitment at the ALA's annual conference.

The protesters laid out their motivation in a statement they handed out at the action. The resolution was defeated in the Membership Meeting at the conference Two of the organizers authored the resolution, reprinted below:

Resolution on CIA Recruitment at ALA Meetings

Whereas, the American Library Association (ALA), has expressed “…its unswerving opposition
to any use of governmental prerogative which leads to the intimidation of the individual or the citizenry from the exercise of the constitutionally protected right of free expression” (ALA Resolution on Government Intimidation, February 2, 1973);

Whereas, the resolution noted above was reaffirmed on January 24, 2017 (Resolution on Access to Accurate Information, 2016-2017 ALA CD 19.10);

Whereas, the American Library Association has encouraged its members to resist “… improper uses of governmental power” (ALA Resolution on Government Intimidation, February 2, 1973);

Whereas, “ALA condemns the use or threat of use of torture by the US government as a barbarous violation of human rights, intellectual freedom and the rule of law” (A Resolution Against the Use of Torture as a Violation of the American Library Association's Basic Values, CD#59, June 30, 2004);

Whereas, the American Library Association opposes “…the use by government of disinformation, media manipulation, the destruction and excision of public information, and other such tactics” (ALA Council Resolution, June 29, 2005, 2004-2005 ALA CD#64);
Whereas, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has used all the methods described above in its work around the world; and
Whereas, the CIA continues to use many of the methods described above for manipulating foreign elections, overthrowing democratically elected governments, and generally interfering in the affairs of countries around the world; now,therefore be it
Resolved , that the American Library Association (ALA)
1. prohibits CIA recruitment at all ALA conferences and meetings.

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