Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Library Professionals: Facts & Figures 2021 -from DPE-Coalition of National Unions

from the Department for Professional Employees. AFL-CIO
Library Professionals: Facts & Figures 2021 FACT SHEET Librarians and other library professionals provide essential services for schools, universities, and communities. Americans go to libraries for free, reliable, and well-organized access to books, the Internet, and other sources of information and entertainment; assistance finding work; research and reference assistance; and programs for children, immigrants, seniors and other groups with specific needs, just to name a few. This fact sheet explores the role of library staff in the workforce, the demographics, educational attainment and wages of librarians, as well as the benefits of union membership for librarians and other issues faced by library staff. About DPE: The Department for Professional Employees (DPE) is a coalition of 24 national unions representing over four million professional and technical employees. DPE was founded in 1977 by a forward looking group of labor leaders who recognized the rapid growth of professionals and the necessity for those professionals to have a place in the labor movement. As professionals continue to be the fastest growing sector of the labor movement, DPE’s work and expertise is more valuable than ever. DPE unions represent professionals in nearly all occupations and sectors, including teachers, physicians, engineers, computer scientists, psychologists, nurses, university professors, actors, technicians, and others in more than 200 professional occupations. DPE facilitates collaboration among professionals in these diverse occupations and provides assistance in order to strengthen individual unions and help build a stronger more effective labor movement. The breadth of resources DPE provides is regularly expanding as affiliates look to DPE to refine and improve their programs and resources. DPE’s insights into the professional and technical workforce are derived from independent research and close relationships with our affiliates who share their knowledge and expertise.

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