Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Emily Drabinski on Nordic Online Workshop


Stockholm 31 May: Emily Drabinski on Nordic Online Workshop

This will be her first European «appearance» since she won the 2023-2024 ALA presidency one month ago. It has already attracted a lot of attention that a declared socialist, and lesbian, has been elected leader of one of the world’s largest library associations.

The theme for the workshop is library and sustainability, under the title «THE LIBRARY – A BRIGHT SPOT?». It takes place partly globally on Zoom and partly physically in Stockholm. Organizers are Swedish Bis (Library in Society), the Swedish World Library (Världsbiblioteket) and the present Finnish/Norwegian blog, Biblioteket tar saka.com (The Library Takes up the Case).

The workshop is part of People’s Forum, the critical «shadow conference» for Stockholm+50, where the UN commemorates the half century since the first global environmental conference in 1972 and celebrates «50 years of global environmental action».

On the Zoom section the other two speakers are South African international internet activist ANRIETTE ESTERHUYSEN and library professor KATHLEEN DE LA PEÑA MCCOOK from Florida. LARS ILSHAMMAR, assistant Swedish national librarian, will take part in the subsequent physical meeting (in Nordic languages). See the whole program

The library – a bright spot? Biblioteket – en ljuspunkt?

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